Winner, Loser say:
Here are the statements issued early today by Sen. Hubert H. Humphrey (D-Minn), loser in the West Virginia presidential primary, and by Sen. John F. Kennedy (D-Mass), the victor.
Sen. Humphrey's statement:
"First, my congratulations to my friend and Senate colleague, Jack Kennedy. He won a significant and clearcut victory. Secondly, my thanks to my supporters and friends, who have fought the good fight with me and for me.
"And third, my appreciation and gratitude to the people of West Virginia. They have gained in me a lifelong friend.
"I am no longer a candidate for the Democratic presidential nomination. I shall run for re-election to the U. S. Senate. I shall do whatever I can to make sure that the Democratic convention will adopt a liberal platform and nominate liberal candidates who will be elected in November.
"To that end, I shall be in constant contact with my friends in Minnesota and throughout the country."
Sen. Kennedy's statement:
"I want tonight to express my thanks to the people of West Virginia for their fairness, for their confidence and for their support.
"Despite all that has been written about the people here, after traveling to every corner of the state and meeting you, I had no doubt that you would cast your vote on the basis of the issues and not on any religious prejudice.
"West Virginia has tonight given me a major boost towards the Democratic nomination for president. I want to pledge again tonight that I will not forget the people of West Virginia nor will I forget what I have seen and learned here.
"On my television broadcast last night, I said that if elected president, I would immediately inaugurate a program of help for West Virginia. This I will do."
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