Union Militia
Monongalia County Transcriptions
From: John Wiedeman
Date: 1862
Dear sir
The letter I sent you for them 2 commision I tried to get the matitia law but I coulden get it. I knowed that the forms was in it and I came to the conclusion to send and get the lone (loan) of one so I got one but had to return it the same evening to Blacksville ten mile as the man wanted to rite some forms out of it for himself.
Dear sir I have written for 5 commisions and I don't know if I have the forms wright or not as I have no law book. You will please farward one to me if you please and excuse my awkard righting so no more at present. But still remain your most obiedent servent.
John G. Wiedeman
Major of 178
Monongalia County
I Richard A. White Captain in the 178th Regiment do hereby certify that on the 12th day of Apl 1862 at the regular place of muster of my company, I superintended the Election of a 2nd Lieutenant when the votes of all the members of the Company present being given viva voce, a majority was found to be in favor of Amos T. Morris who was thereby duly elected second Lieutenant of the said Company to fill a vacancy occasioned by the failing to Qualify that a majority of the persons entitled to vote were present and that the election was fairly and justly conducted given under my hand this 12th day of April 1862
Richard A. White Capt
send thes papers to Col. C. Oliphant Comander of the 178 Redgment adrese Burton Va
April 12, 1862
Govner Parpint
I wont to no if you want any more volintaris and if so send me the papers. I think that i can rase a comppaney in this place and oblige.
C. M. Oliphant
Monongalia County Gov't., April 30, 1862.
I, Alexander H. Osborn, Lieutenant Colonel of the 76th Regiment of Virginia Militia duly elected by the Officers of said Regiment do hereby certify that on the 5th day of April 1862 at Clinton Furnace in the County of Monongalia, pursuant to the order of F. R. Sinclair, Colonel of said Regiment and notice duly given, I superintended the election of a Captain of the Clinton Furnace Company of the 76th Regiment where the votes of all the members present of said Company being given viva voce, a majority was found to be in favor of William F. Poe, who was thereby duly elected Captain of the said Company in the organization thereof; that the persons present were entitled to vote, and that the election was fairly and justly conducted.
Given under my hand, this 30 day of April 1862.
Alexander H. Osborn, Lieut. Col. 76th Regiment.
Monongalia County, Greet.
I Alexander H. Osborn Lieutenant Colonel of the 76th Regiment of Virginia Militia, duly
elected by the Officers of said Regiment do hereby certify that on the 5th day of April 1862 at
Clinton Furnace in the County of Monongalia, pursuant to the order of F. R. Sinclair, Colonel of
said Regiment and notice duly given, I superintended the election of a 1st Lieutenant of the
Clinton Furnace Company of the 76 Regiment, where the votes of all the members present of
said Company being given viva voce a majority was found to be in favor of George R. Austen
who was thereby duly elected 1st Lieutenant of the said Company in the organization thereof:
that the persons present were entitled to vote and that the election was fairly and justly
Given under my hand, this 30th day of April 1862
Alexander H. Osborn Lieut Colonel 76th Regiment
Monongalia County, Greet.
I Alexander H. Osborn Lieut. Colonel of the 76th Regiment of Virginia Militia, duly elected by
the Officers of said Regiment do hereby certify that on the 5th day of April 1862 at Clinton
Furnace in the County of Monongalia, pursuant to the order of F. R. Sinclair, Colonel of said
Regiment and notice duly given, I superintended the election of a 2nd Lieutenant of the Clinton
Furnace Company of the 76th Regiment, where the votes of all the members present of said
Company being given viva voce a majority was found to be in favor of William C. Martin who
was thereby duly elected 2nd Lieutenant of the said Company in the organization thereof: that the
persons present were entitled to vote and that the election was fairly and justly conducted.
Given under my hand, this 30th day of April 1862
Alexander H. Osborn Lieut. Colonel 76th Regiment
Monongalia County Va
I, S.P. Tenant a Captain in the 178th Regiment do hereby certify that on the 11th day of April 1862 at Asa Tenants I Superentended the election of a first Lieutenant in infantry. When the votes of all the members of the company present being given viva voce a majority was found to be in favour of Adam Fluharty who was thereby duly elected first lieutenant of the Said company to fill a vacancy occasiend by the Removel of Milton Tenant former lieutenant that a majority of the persons entitled to vote were present and that the election was fairly and justly conducted.
Given under my hand this 8th day of May 1862
S.P. Tenant Capt.
Company No. 2
Regmt 178th
Blacksville May 21-1862
Dear Sir
Yours under date of May 2nd 1862 This day came to hand that I hasten to reply. The boundary
lines of the 178th Regt is as follows,
Commencing in the State line of Pa & Va at the N.W. corner of the 140th Regt running W. said State line to the N.E. corner of Wetsel County thence a southwardly course with the County line of Monongalia & Wetsel Counties to the county of Marion thence East with the lines of Monongalia & Marion to what is known the Kennedy Corner of said counties on the ridge of Indian Creek waters thence with the lines of the 140th Regt to the place of begining.
Address the Col. Commandant of 178th Regt
Charles M. Oliphant Col. 178th Regt
Wadestown, Monongalia County, Va
Yours respectfully
Wm Lantz Clerk of 178th Regt
(Copy mailed accidentally in advance, without signature)
Mr. H. J. Samuels, Adjt. General
The 140th Regt is bounded as follows,
Commencing at Kenadys Gap N.E. Corner of the Marion County line thence with ridge west of
Indian Creek to head of said creek. Thence with the dividing ridge between the waters of said
creek & Jakes Run & beetween Dolls Run & Dents and Scots Runs to Joseph Inghmans farm.
Thence with the Pennsylvania line to Monongahela River thence with said River to the Marion
County line. Thence with said Co. line to the begining.
The Commandant's Post office is
Laurel Point
Monongalia County
Apology I was absent at Baltimore at the time you wrote. Col. Finnell knew I was from
home & took your favor out of the office so I did not get it till two days past.
June 16th /62
Yours respectfully
Wm. N. Stewart
Clerk 140th Regt.
Arnettsville July 28th/62
General H J Samuels
The list of our officers is as follows to wit
Reuben Finnell Col
David Hawkins Lieut Col
John A B Martin Senior Maj
Eugenus Shafer Jr Maj
James Kelly Adjutant
Captains John Goust
Ambrose Waters
Joseph Snider jr
Joel Bowlby
Daniel Glasscock
Hezekiah Low
Sir we are not Required in our clerical duties to keep a complete list the above is all I can furnish at present being those in attendance at Regtl court last December Your letter came to the Commandants Office which caused delay as I did not get it till a few days since I went to see Col Finnell but he could give me no better list though said he could in a short time when the adjt Returned. There are two more companies represented by the adjt last count which may have officers com. By this time If I get a complete list I will send soon by mail
Address me at Arnettsville Monongalia County West Virginia & I will answer you promptly.
Your obedient serv't
Wm S Stewart
Clerk 140 Regt
Va Malitia
Blacksville August 11th 1862
Dear Sir
Annexed herewith I remit you a statement of the officers of the 178th Regt with the most correctness that I could obtain
Charles M. Oliphant Colonel
Daniel White Lieut Colonel
John J. Weedman Leut Magor
George Price Adjutant
Alfred Garrison Capt 1st Company
Simon Tennant Capt 2nd Do
No Commissioned Officers in 3nd Do
Joseph Conner Capt 4th Do
Richard White Capt 5th Do
Wilson Haught Capt. 6th Do
Jacob Stergeon 1st Lieut in Capt Conner Company
James Stiles 1st Do in Capt White Do
Henry Whisler 1st Do in Capt Haughts Do
Joshua Barrickman 2nd Lieutenant Conners Do
James Williams 2nd Lieut Capt Tennant Do
From the most reliable information the above list is correct I have been in formed that commissions have been issued to some Lieutenants that have failed to qualify to their Commissions. Lieut Col Daniel White is in the United States Service in Capt. George Kenney Company. I have complied with your request the earliest opportunity after having procured the above information.
Yours With Due Respect,
Wm Lantz Clerk of the 178th Regt
H.J. Samuels Esq A. General
Your request were missent through the mails & did not come to hand until about the first of
August and I procured the information as soon as could possibly be obtained.
Yours Truly
Wm Lantz
Monongalia County Va
I Alpheus Garrison Capt in the 178th Regiment do hereby Certify that on the 21st day of August 1862 at E.B. Tygards I Superintended the Election of a first Lieutenant of one of the companies of that Regiment when the votes of all the members of the Company present being given viva voce a majority was found to be in favour of Ira Bailey who was thereby duly Elected first Lieutenant of the Said Company to fill a vacancy occasiond [sic] by the Removal of A.B. Price for new [?] Lieutenant that a majority of the persons entitled to vote were present and that the Election was fairly and justly conducted. Given under my hand this 22nd day of August 1862.
A. Garrison Capt
Company No. l
Monongalia County Va
I Alpheus Garrison Capt in the 178th Regiment do hereby certify on the 21st day of August 1862 at E.B. Tygards I superintended the Election of a Second Lieutenant of one of the Companies of that Regiment when the votes of all the members of the Company present being given visa voce a majority ws found to be in favour of Alpheus Henderson who was thereby duly elected Second Lieutenant of the Said Company to fill a vacancy occasioned by the Resignation of T. S. South former Lieutent that a majority of the persons entitled to vote were present and that the election was fairly and justly conducted given under my hand this 22nd day of August 1862.
A. Garrison Capt
PS you will please Send thoes Commision to Mooresville Monongalia County Va
Direct to Capt A. Garrison Soes they will be attended to immediatedly.
Monongalia County Vir
I Eugenious Shafer Major of the 140th Rigiment of the Virginia Militia duly commissioned by
the Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia do hereby certyfy that on the 22 day of August
1862 at Laurel Point in the County of Monongalia pursuant to orders received from Brig Genral
Cather and notice duly given I supperintended the election of a first Lieutenant of the Company
No of the 140th Rigiment where the votes of all the members presant of said Company being
given viva voce a megority was found to be in favor of Isac Dean Jr who was thereby duly
elected first Lieutenant of the said Company that the persons presant were entitled to vote and
that the election was fairly and justly conducted.
Given under my hand this 22 day of August 1862
Major 140th Rigament
Eugenious Shafer
Monongalia County Vir
I Eugenious Shafer Major 140th Rigment of the Virginia Militia duly commissioned by the
Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia do hereby certify that on the 22 day of August 1862
at Laurel Point in the County of Monongalia pursuant to orders received from Brig Genral Cather
and notice duly given I superintended the election of a second Lieut of the Company No of the
140th Rigament where the votes of all the members presant of said Company being given viva
voce a majority was found to be in favor of James H Davis who was thereby duly elected Second
Lieutenant of the said Company that the persons presant were entitled to vote and that the
election was fairly and justly conducted.
Given under my hand this 22 day of August 1862
Maj of 140th Rigment
Eugenious Shafer
Monongalia County Crt,
I Thomas M Jolliff Major of the 76th Regiment of the Virginia Militia duly commissioned by the Governor of Virginia do hereby certify that on the 23rd day of August 1862 - at Morgantown in the County of Monongalia pursuant to orders Received and notice duly given I Superintended the Election of a Captain of the Company No 1 of the 16th Regiment where the voters of all the members present of said company being given inthe usual manner a majority was found to be in favor of Theopholis Devault who was thereby duly elected Captain of the said company that the persons present were entitled to vote h
Given under my hand this 8th day of Sept 1862
Thos. M. Joliff Major of 16th Regt
Va Militia
I F.R. Sinclair Colonel of the 16th Regiment of the Virginia Militia duly commissioned by the Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia do hereby certify that on the 23rd day of August 1862 at Morgantown in the County of Monongalia pursuant to orders Received from Brig. Gen. Cather, and notice duly given, I superintended the Election of a Captain of the Company No 3 of the 16th Regiment (Captain Holland having volunteered) where the votes of all the members present of said Company being given viva voce a majority was found to be in favor of Regin H. Brown who was thereby duly elected Captain of the said Company; that the persons present were entitled to vote, and that the Election was fairly and Justly Conducted.
Given under my hand this (blank) day of August 1862.
F.R. Sinclair
Col. Of 16th Reg'm't
Monongalia County Court
I Reuben Finnell Colonel of 140 Regt of Va Militia duly commissioned by the Governor of the
Commonwealth of Virginia. Do herby certify that on the 22nd day of August 1862, on the farm
of Martin P. Fore, which muster was duely ordered. I superintended the election of Francis B.
Ritchison as Captain of one of the companies of militia of the 140 Regt, where the votes of all
the members been duly given the majority was found to be in favor of said F. B. Ritchison, who
was thereby duly elected Captain of said Company.
Given under my hand this 23 day of August 1862
R. Finnell Colonel
Of 140th Regt
Monongalia County, to wit.
To the Adjutant General of the State of Virginia,
I also hereby certify that on the same day and at the same place above mentioned that Samuel
Kennedy as Captain & Golden Kerns as 1st Lieutenant, were duly elected as officers for a
company of the militia of 140th Regt, & on the 12th day of September 1862, Imlah B. Glasscock
was duly elected as 2nd Lieutenant of same company, and I also certify that on the 22nd of
August 1862, at the same place above mentioned, that John E. Dent, as Captain & Geo. W. Dent
as First Lieutenant was duly elected as officers of another company of militia of the 140th Regt.
Given under my hand this 15th day of September 1862
R. Finnell
Colonel of 140th Regt Va Militia
Monongalia County Gvt
I F.R.Sinclair Colonel of the 76th Regiment of the Virginia Militia duly commissioned by the Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia do hereby certify that on the 23rd day of August 1862 at Morgantown in the County of Monongalia, pursuant to orders received from Brig. Gen'l Cather and notice duly given I superintended the election of the First Lieutenant of the Company No 3 of the 76th Regiment, ( Lieut. John H.Holland having Volunteered) where the votes of all the members present of said Company given Viva Voce, a majority was found to be in favor of Isaac Hite, who was thereby duly elected First Lieutenant of the said Company: that the persons present were entitled to vote that the election was fairly and Justly conducted.
Given under my hand this day of August 1862
Col. 76th Regiment
Va. Militia
West Warren
Monongalia County, Va
August 23, 1862
Dear Sir
We held our regment muster on the 21 of this month according to order from the Brig Gen Commanding Thos Cathers and elected Alexander Haught as first Lieutenant and Aron Hains as second Lieutenant. These two is in company no. 6. Please send these their commissions. Direct them to West Warren, Monongalia County to Major John G. Wiedeman. The colonel is at New Creek and i notified him of this muster. Sir have I any right to return him Delinquence for not attending. I am not posted on this matter as I have no Militia law. If you have any books will you please firnish me with one and one of hardee or gillem infantry and the price of it. This all at present I still remain your most obiedient servant.
Major John G. Wiedeman
Ps We will get done Classing of the company Monday if nothing happens.
Morgantown Agst 25, 1862
Dr Sir
I held an election on the 23d Just for Lt Col of 178th Regt Virga Militia in place of Daniel White resigned & gone into the regular service, which resulted in the choice of Dissisway South he having recd a majority of all the votes send the Commission to Capt Simon Tennant Mooresville. Monongalia
Respectfully Yours,
Lee Roy Kramer
PS. Monongalia will furnish a Cavalry Company for the war. L. K.
West Warren, Monongalia County, Virginia
Aug 27, 1862
I John G. Wiedeman Major of 178 Regment do hereby certify that on the 21 day of August 1862 at a muster persuant to order of C. M. O. Commanding Officer of the 178 Regment I superintended the election of a Captain of one of the companies of that Regment. When the votes of all the members of the company present being given a majority was found to be in favor of Milton Minor who was thereby duly elected Captain of the said company to fill a vacacy as it has bin mustered by the Adjutant formerly; that a majority of the persons entitled to vote were present and that the election was fairly and justly conducted.
Given under my hand this 27 day of August 1862 by John G. Wiedeman Major of 178th Regt Virginia Militia
West Warren Monongalia County Va.
Aug 27, 1862
I John G. Wiedeman Major of the 178 Regiment do hereby certify that on the 21 day of August 1862 at a muster I superintended the election of a first Lieutenant of one of the companies of that rigment when the votes of all the members of the company being a majority was found to be in favor of Alexander Haught who was thereby elettied first Lieutenant of the said company to fill a vacancy caused by H. Whistler movin out of our districk and that a majority of persons entitled to vote were present and that the election was fairly and justly conducted under my hand this 27 day of August 1862
John G. Wiedeman Major of 178 Regt Va. Militia
West Warren Monongalia County Virginia Aug 27 1862 John G Wiedeman Major of the
esuperintended the election of a first Lieutenant of one of the companies of that Regiment when
the votes of all the members of that company present being given a majority was found to be in
favor of Eliam Hoskins who was thereby duly elected first Lieutenant of the said company to a
position formerly mustered by Adj that a majority of the persons entitled to vote were present and
that the election was fairly and justly conducted
Given under my hand this 27th day of August 1862 John G Wiedeman Major of 178 Regiment
Va Militia
West Warren Monongalia County virginia Aug 27
1862 I John G. Wildeman major of the 178 Regment [sic] do hereby certify that on the 21 day of August 1862 at a muster i superintended the election of a second Lieutenant of one of the companies of that Regment when the votes of all the members of the company present being given a majority was found to be in favor of D.M.M. Golden who was thereby Duly elected second Lieutenant of the said company to fill a vacancy formely [sic] the company was mustered By the adjutant and that a majority of persons entitled to vote were present and that the election was fairly and justly conducted given under my hand this 21 day of August 1862.
John G. Wildeman, Major of 178 Reg of the Va Militia.
West Warren Monongalia County va Aug 27 1862
I John G. Wiedeman major of the 178 Regment do hereby certify that on the 21 day of august 1862 at a muster i superintended the election of a second Lieutenant of one of the companies of that Regiment when the votes of all the members of the company present being given a majority was found to be in favor of Aron Hains who was thereby duly eleced second Lieutenant of the said company to fill a vacancy occasioned by O Hannen not swearing in and that a majority of persons entitled to vote were present and that the election was fairly and justly conducted given under my hand this 21 day of August 1862
John G.Wiedeman Major of 178 Reg of the va militia
Morgantown, September 2, 1862
In obedience to the order of the Governor of the 9th of August and also yours of the 4th of July, I (being Commissioner of the Revenue also Eolonel of the 76th Reg'mt) proceeded to enroll the Militia of said Regiment and also all U. S. Volunteers from the respective companies; and after deducting the Volunteers proceeded to clasify the remainder, which I send you together with a list of the Volunteers from each company. Below I give you the total numbers of Volunteers that have gone out of my Regiment since the war, and also the number of Militia remaining.
Total number of Volunteers 372
Total number of Militia remaining 561
Respectfully yours,
F. R. Sinclair
Col 76th Reg'mt
Virginia Militia
Monongalia County Gv't., September 8, 1862
I, Thos. M. Jolliff, Major of the 76th Regiment of the Virginia Militia duly commissioned by the Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia do hereby certify that on the 28th day of August 1862 at Morgantown in the county of Monongalia pursuant to orders received and notice duly given. I superintended the election of a first lieutenant of the Company No. 1 of the 76th Regiment where the votes of all the members present of said company beng given in the usual manner a majority was found to be in favor of Wm. C. Stevens who was thereby duly elected first lieutenant of the said company, that the persons present were entitled to vote and that the election was fairly and justly conducted.
Given under my hand this 8th day of Sept. 1862.
Thos. M. Jolliff, Major of 76th Reg'mt, Va Militia
Monongalia County Crt.
I Thos.M.Jolliff Major of the 76th Regiment of the Virginia Militia duly commissioned by the
Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia do hereby certify that on the 23ed day of August
1862 at Morgantown in the Cunty of Monongalia pursuant to orders Received and notice duly
given I Superintended the election of a Second Lieutenant of the Company No 1 of the 76th
Regiment where the votes of all the members present of said Company being given in the usual
manner, a majority was found to be in favor of Joseph Stansberry who was thereby duly Elected
Second Lieutenant of the Said Company that the persons present were entitled to vote and that
the Election was fairly and justly conducted
Given under my hand this 8th day of Sept 1862
Thos. M Jolliff Major of 76th Regiment Va Militia
Sept 20th 1862
Wadestown Monogalia Va
I, D.M. Oliphant Colonel of the 178 Redg 10 Brigade 3 Divsion Do hereby certify that on the 20 day of September 1862 tended the election of a second lieutenant of one of the companies of the line. When the votes of all the members of the Company present being given viva voce a majority was found to be in faovr of A.T. Cross Who Was thereby duly elected second lieutenant of the said Company to fill a vacancy occaioned by the former lieutenant ames.t.mors volaitaren and a majority of the persons entitled to vote were present and the election Was fairly and justly conducet given under my hand this 20 day of September 1862.
C.M. Oliphant, Col 178 Reg
Monongalia County Gv't
I John O Vangilder a Captain of the 76th Regiment of the Virginia Militia duly Commissioned by the Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia do hereby certify that on the day of September 1862 at Morgantown in the County of Monongalia, pursuat to orders Received and notice duly given, I Superintended the election of a First Lieutenant of the Company No of the 76th Regiment, where the votes of all the members present of said Company being given in the usual manner a majority was found to be in of James A. Davis who was thereby duly elected First Lieutenant of the Company; that the persons present were entitled to vote and that the election was fairly and Justly conducted. Given under my hand this 22nd day of September 1862
John O. Van Gilder Captain
Monongalia County Gvt
I John O Vangilder a Captain of the 76th Regiment of the Virginia Militia duly commissioned by the Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia do hereby certify that on the 20th day of September 1862 at Morgantown in the County of Monongalia pursuant to orders Received and notice duly given, I superintended the Election of a Second Lieutenant of the Company No ___ of the Regiment where the votes of all the members present of said Company being given in the usual manner a majority was found to be in favor of James N. Davis who was thereby duly elected Second Lieutenant of the said Company; that the persons present were entitled to vote and that the election was fairly and justly conducted.
Given under my hand this 22nd day of September 1862
John O. Vangilder Captain
76th Regm't Va Militia
Monongalia County Crt.
I Franklin R.Sinclair Colonel of the 76th Regiment of the Virginia Militia duly commissioned
by the Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia do hereby certify that on the 20th day of
September 1862 at Morgantown in the County of Monongalia pursuant to orders Received and
notice duly given, I superintended the election of a Captain of the Company No. of the 76th
Regiment where the votes of all the members present of said Company being given in the usual
way a majority was found to be in favor of Ashbel Fairchild who was thereby duly elected
Captain of the said Company: that the persons present were entitled to vote and that the election
was fairly and Justly conducted.
Given under my hand this 22nd day of September 1862
F.R.Sinclair Colonel 76th Regmt Va
Monongalia County Va
I Joel Bowlby a Captain in the 104th Rigiment do hereby certify that on the 27th day of
September 1862 at Cassville I Superintended the Election of Second Lieutenant of one of the
Companys of the Rigiment of light infantry. when the votes of all the members of the Company
present being givin vivavoce a majority was found to be in favor of Thomas F Ramsey who was
thereby duly Elected Second Lieutenant of the Said Company to fill a vacancy occasioned by the
resignation of Edward J Bowlby former Lieutenant that a majority of the persons intitled to vote
were present and the Election was fairly and justly conducted
given under my hand this 27th day of September 1862
Joel Bowlby capt commission
P.S. My address is Mountmorris Greene County
Monongalia County Va
I Milton Minor a captain in the company No. 3nd 178 regiment do hereby certify, that on the 20th day of September 1862 at Blacksville I superintended the election of first lieutenant, of infantry when the votes of all the members of the company present, being given viva voce, a majority was found to be in favor of Gasper Strosnider, who was thereby duly elected first lieutenant of said company, to fill the vacancy occasioned by the volenteering of E. Hoskinson former lieutenant; that a majority of the persons entitled to vote were present, and that the election was fairly and justly conducted. Given under my hand this 29th day of September 1862.
Milton Minor
Jakes Run -- Mon Co Va. Sept 30, 1862
F.H. Pierpont, Gov of Virginia you are requested to commission Wm. Tuttle 1st Lieutenant of Co. No. 4 178 regiment Va. Militia and Abraham S. Core of Pa. Second lieutenant of the same company and Regt. Your obedient Servant F.L. Connor Capt. In plase [c] of Jacob Sturgeon lst Lieut & Joseph Barrackman 2nd Lieut who are now volunteers in the United States Army.
Monongalia County Va.
I. S.P. Tenant a Captain in the 178th Regiment do hereby certify that on the 20 day of September 1862 at Asa Tenants I Superintended the election of a first lieutenant of one of the companies of that Regiment. When the votes of all the members of the company present being given viva voce a majority was found to be in favour of Joseph Varner who was thereby duly elected first lieutenant of the Said Company to fill a vacancy occasiond by the Removal of Adam Flougharty former lieutenant that a majority of the persons entitled to vote were present and that the election was fairly and justly conducted. Given under my hand this 30th day of September 1862.
S.P. Tenant Capt Company No. 2
P.S. Direct the Comition to Capt S.P. Tenant Mooresville Monongalia County Va