

Union Militia

Monongalia County Transcriptions

To: H. J. Samuels
From: A. J. Statler
Date: 2 February 1863

Mooresville West Va Feb 2" 1863

Mr. H. J. Samuels Esqr

Dear Sir

I would be glad if you would inform me whether my Descriptive list is at your office the Sergant that had me in his charge charge wrote to me informing me that my descriptive lis was sent to the Adg. General office Now you will let me know if I have to come to your office on fer my pay or not

Please Answer Soon By So doing you will oblege a poor Soldierr

Respectively Yours
A. J. Statler

Direct to Mooresville
Monongalia County
West Va

To: Governor F. H. Pierpoint
From: E. H. Coombs
Date: 24 March 1863

Morgantown Va March 24th 1863
Governor Pierpoint
The question, as to the fines for the extra musters last fall is undecided among us yet. We have many persons here who have mustered 7 years in volunteer companies and consequently are exempt from ordinary militia musters. They were enrolled last fall for the extra musters and many of them refused to muster, saying they were exempt from ordinary militia duty by law. Will you please inform me as to whether I shall make out tickets against them and place them in the hands of the Sheriff the same as others or not. I have been informed that the Auditor refuses to pay accounts handed in by the musicians for services rendered on the extra muster days. Will you please inform me also whether they will receive pay for this extra duty or not.

Most respectfully yours
E. H. Coombs, Clerk 76th Regiment Va Militia

To: Henry J. Samuels
From: W. F. Poe
Date: 4 April 1863

Clinton Furnace Monongalia Co. Va. April 4, 1863
Henry J. Samuels Agt. General, Wheeling W. Va.
This is to certify that I W. F. Poe, a captain in the 76th Regiment Virginia Militia have this day held an election in our Company to elect a First Lieutenant to fill a vacancy caused by death and the result was James A. Johnston elected First Lieutenant. You will please forward his commissions to me at Gladeville Preston County W. Va., as soon as covenient -

Yours respectfully
W. F. Poe

To: Govenor F. H. Pierpoint
From: James F. Hess
Date: 7 April 1863

Morgantown, West Va. Aprile 7th, 1863
Govenor F. H. Pierpoint
I would here state to your Excelency that Charles Mercer that is recommended to you for to be commisioned for 1st Lieut., is a cecesion simpathiser and has been from the braking out of this Rebelion, & was elected by their being two others as candidates for the office, & the Rebbles gained on him. I would under the circumstances ask your Excelency to withhold the commision & inform the Col. The proper corce to persue in the election of some other loyal person.

Yours truly
James F Hess

To: H. J. Samuels
From: W. F. Poe
Date: 14 April 1863

Clinton Furnace Monongalia Co. W.Va.
April 14th 1863

Hon. H.J. Samuels Adjt General
Wheeling W.Va.

I received Jas. A. Johnston Commission and you wanted to know whose vacancy it filled it was George R. Austin Dec'd.

Yours etc
W.F. Poe
Capt Co. 6 76th Regt
Va. Militia

From: Francis B. Richardson
Date: 20 April 1863

County of Monongalia & State of Virginia

I, Francis B Richardson as Captain in the 104th Regiment of Militia do hereby certify that on the 4th day of April 1863 at Laurel Point - I superintended the election of a first-Lieutenant- when the votes of all the members of the company being given viva voce a majority was found to be in favor of Charles W Mercer who was thereby duly elected first Lieutenant of the Said company to fill a vacancy occasioned by the resignation of E.F.Hufman former Lieutenant; that a majority of the persons entitled to vote were preasant and that the election was fairly and justly conducted; given under my hand this 20th day of April 1863

Francis B.Richardson

From: Francis B. Richardson
Date: 20 April 1863

County of Monongalia & State of Virginia
I Francis B. Richardson a Captain in the 140th Regiment of Militia do hereby certify that on the 4th day of April 1863 at Laurel Point I superintended the election of a second Lieutenant when the votes of all the members of the Company being given viva voce, a majority was found to be in favor of John W. Hess who was thereby duly elected second Lieutenant of the said Company to fill a vacancy occasioned by the resignation of former Lieutenant; that a majority of the persons entitled to vote were present and that the election was fairly and justly conducted.

Given under my hand this 20th day of April 1863

Francis B. Richardson

To: H. J. Samuels
From: A. Garrison
Date: 20 April 1863

Mooresville April 20th 63
Monongalia County West Va

H. J. Samuels Adjt Gen West Va
Dear Sir I drop you a few lines of enquire in regard to the Militia Will we have a Regimental muster this Spring and when if you have got any late Militia Laws please send me a copy an other question is this Suppose a drafted man from Pennsylvania hires a substitute from this state have we not the wright to keep them enrold and mark there failures at any musters or not And will we be required to muster this Summer as last or not

Please answer soon By So doing you will oblige

Yours A. Garrison
Capt of Co No 1 of the 178th Regiment Va Ma

Direct to Maj A Garrison
Monongalia Co West Va

From: Wilson Hought
Date: 27 April 1863

I Wilson Hought Caplen of the 178 Redgment do hereby Certify that on the 11 day of April 1863 I superintended the Election of a first Lieutenant. When the votes of all the members of the Company present being given viva voce a majority was found to be in favor of Parry (?) Hennen Who was there duly elected first lieutenant of the said Company to fill a vacancy occasiond by the Removal of E. Hought former lieutenant that a majority of the persons Entitled to vote were present and that the election was fairly and justly conducted given under my hand this 27 day of April 1863.

Wilson Hought

Ples direct the Comishen to

Colonel C. M. Oliphant
Monongalia County

From: Reuben Finnell
Date: 7 May 1863

Monongalia County Gvt

I Reuben Finnell Colonell of the 140th Regiment of Va Militia duly appointed by the Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia do hereby certify that on the 11th day of April at _________ in the County of Monongalia, notice having been duly given, I superintended the Election of a first Lieutenant of the Company No ____ of the 140th Regiment where the votes of all the members present of said Company being given in the usual way, a majority was found to be in favor of Charles W. Mercer who was thereby duly elected first Lieutenant of the said Company; that the persons present were entitled to vote and that the Election was fairly and Justly Conducted

Given under my hand this 7th day of May 1863

Reuben Finnell Col
Va 140th Reg't Va Militia

From: Reuben Finnell
Date: 7 May 1863

Monongalia County Gvt

I Reuben Finnell Colonel of the 140th Regiment Va Militia duly appointed by the Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia do hereby Certify that on the 11th day of April 1863 at ________________ in the County of Monongalia pursuant to notice being duly given I superintended the election of a second Lieutenant of the Company No ___ of the 140th Regiment, where the votes of all the members present of said company being given in the usual way a majority was found to be in favor of John W. Hess who was thereby duly elected Second Lieutenant of the said Company, that the persons present were entitled to vote and that the election was fairly and justly conducted.

Given under my hand this 7th day of May 1863

Reuben Finnell Col
140th Regiment
Va Militia

Send commission as soon as possible to Morgantown Va

From: John G. Weideman
Date: June 1863

At a Court of Inquiry held for the 178th Regiment Va Militia at Blacksville Va on the 22nd, 23rd, 24th, 25th, and 26th days of June 1863 in compliance with an order received from the Adjutant General of Va - Ordered that Captain Richard H. White be allowed $2.00 per day for five days & for his services as one of the board $10.00

Teste F.Tygard Clk
John G. Weideman Maj Com
Of the 178th Reg Va Militia

To: Adjutant General
From: John G. Wiedeman
Date: June 1863

West Warren Monongalia County Va
Adjutant General

Dear sir I have had my regiment examend and I was going on to consolidate the men into company but our Adjutant would not agree to have it done as himself and Mr. South our Lieutenant Col had a faling out. Mr. South moved into Pennsylvania to keep school not with the intension of staying any longer than his school lasted he would not suffer himself enroled in that township as he clamed to be a virginian so when any call came he was always reddy to attend so on Monday the 22nd of June he was at his post to attend the examing of our men so Mr. George Price our adjutant and him fell out of and I took charge of the day and went to work and also I dispatch down to Mr. Burrows the Marshal of the districk where South keeps his school to know if he had him enroled as a citticem of Pennsylvania or if he claimed him to be a virginian. He rote back to me that boarding was very high it 250 per week and they thought that he had better move some things over and he could live a good deal cheaper as he had everything to live on so he done so after I received this dispatch I come to the conclusion that he still was a citticen and I must obey my superior. Well sir this made more of Mr. Price company mad and they began to hold meeting. I paid no attention to them till on Tuesday evening Mr. Kigely told me that they swore that they would change the board before morning so I told Mr. South to come down to Wheeling so he started and also Mr. William Price the father of George Price had went and Mr. Andrew Brown had came on Tuesday to report something I could not find out the whole intention was to throw Mr. South out of office as far as I could understand so as far as I have gone with my examination I belied they are sadisfyed that we have done justis with the exception of some few that did not get clear we closed up on Fridad 26 day of June the rool was all deliver to the adjutant but he refuses to do anything further. I demanded a coppy of each rool so I could form the company. Sir I must inform you of our Adjutant he holds two offices the one is county surveyor and the other is the Adjutant. Now is the question can he hold boath you know boath pays so the next question I have to inform you of is that these jettlemen has made it thier bisness to come down and report me to be a rebble sir I deny any such things of being a rebble the course I have persued for the 2 years back I think will sattisfy you better. First I voted for Joseph Snyder and Joe Mackey for the convention the next I voted for the govenor F. H. Pierpoint and the balance of offices the pool books will show this I voted for the new state next I voted for the amended constitution and the next I voted for our present govenor Mr. Boreman and Mr. Bunker and these pool books will show all the gettlemen I have voted for and now sir if any man can call me a southern simpasither I cant see what grounds it on and also there has not bin a call from the govenor but what I always attended to you can see that this comes under your own notes as our col is never at home these two last call I have attended to them the firs is from the govenor F. H. Pierpoint for 600 men I reported my captain to Major General L. Cramer and they are all ready to go at his call but Mr. Price says that call was nocked in the head when this last order came please let me know if my persuance is right direct your letter to Burton Wetsel County so I can get it on Tuesday and also let me know is the drafted men will stand or if the govenor call was recinded I still remain your most obedient servant

Maj John G. Wiedeman

P S If you want any more proof of my loyalty you can have it to words this government I was born and raised here and I intend to remain in it till the last.

To: H. G. Samuels
From: F. R. Sinclair
Date: 8 June 1863

Morgantown June 8th 63,

Mr H.G.Samuels,

Sir I this day had a conversation with Col.Kramer respecting the proper course to git an alowance made for the money spent (as Col. of the 76th Regiment) in sending dispatches to the different Cols of this County they all having been sent to me for delivery and for the transportation of Bagage etc, he informed me that I had better Convene the Regimental Court and have the allowances made in the name of the United States Government and allso thinks that my Regiment will be intitled to pay and Rations or their equivolent in money for the two days services that is I convened my Reg.t at Morgantown and after the rools were Called as many of my men Desired to stop at home and get their dinner etc, I permitted them to march as will and to report at Sun down at fairmont but before we got to fairmont having gotten within three miles of Fairmont we met G M Hagans. who has a verbal message from General Cather revoking the order and disbanding the regiment some of the boys being thirty miles from home thought best to stay in Fairmont Some incamped in meeting houses and others traveled all the way Back the same night the men of my regiment responded nobly to the Call and I feel it to be my duty to see that they get their pay if Possible and that the delinquents. is delt with acording to Law I adress this note to you hoping that you will see the proper authorities & write to me directing me how to proceed I have called a regimental Court for next Saturday and would like to hear from you before that time. I allso learn that the Governor is willing to furnish some four hundred arms to the County if we will organise Volenter Companies if so pleas tell him to authorise me to call out my regiment for that purpose and also give me the Conditions on which the arms will be furnished by Complying with the above request you will be mutch oblidge a friend

F.R.Sinclair Col
of the 76th Regiment Va Militia

From: J. F. John
Date: 18 June 1863

Monongalia County Gvt

I James F. John a Captain duly commissioned by the Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia do certify that I held an election for Second Lieutentant on Saturday the 9th day of May 1863 and that a majority of the men of the Company was present and voted in the usual way and that James Housten Jr was duly elected Second Lieutenant in Company A. 76th Regiment Va Militia
Given under my Hand this June 18th 1863

J F John Capt

Direct the Commission to Morgantown Va

To: Adjt Gen. Samuels
From: F. R. Sinclair
Date: 18 June 1863

Morgantown, Va June 18th 1863
Adjt Gen. Samuels
I write to you asking information upon a question which is causing considerable trouble among us. We have some men among us that have been serving as volunteers for some time but have been discharged on account of disability, but since they have been discharged they have become "ablebodied men" entirely recovering from the disease for which they were discharged from the U. S. Service. Ought not such men to be enrolled among the Militia, examined by the Surgeon and if found sound to stand their drafts. We also have men among us who have resigned their commissions as officers in the U. S. Service and others who have been discharged on account of incompetency: Should these men be placed in the ranks among the Militia. Please answer the above questions as soon as possible and oblige your obt Servt.

F. R. Sinclair, Col.
76th Regmt Va Militia

To: F. P. Pierpoint
From: Reuben Finnell
Date: 22 June 1863

Brig. Genl.
F.P. Pierpoint
Adjt. Genl, W.Va.
Laurel Point June 22nd/63

Hon Sir

I Rec'd your order of the 17th Inst on the subject of a more (?humane?) organization of West Virginia Militia

Please be kind enough to Send me your opinion by Return male on the subject of the legal liability of returned soldiers from the (U.S.) Army on account their disability they being now in good health houlding honourable discharge.

Also state when the militia will be called to their wandering.

Also please inform me whether the remaining portion of the Commissioned Officers will be Required to Fall back in the line or not Yours in Haste

Reuben Finnell
Col 140th Regt

From: F. R. Sinclair
Date: 26 June 1863

Monongalia County Crt

I F. R. Sinclair Colonel of the 76th Regiment Va Militia, duly Commissioned by the Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia, do certify that on the 25th day of June 1863 at Morgantown in the County of Monongalia I superintended the election of a Lieutenant Colonel for the 76th Regiment Va Militia and that after notice having been duly given and a majority of the officers entitled to vote being present the vote was taken in the usual manner and a majority found to be in favor of Capt. Ashbell Fairchild who was thereby duly elected Lieutenant Colonel of the 76th Regiment Va Militia and that each officer Present was allowed to vote and that the election was fairly and justly conducted

Witness by hand this 26th day of June 1863

F. R. Sinclair Col
Comdg 76th Regiment Va Militia

Please send Commission immediately to me at Morgantown, Monongalia Co. West Va

To: A. I. Boreman
From: Henry Nay
Date: 29 June 1863

Mannington, Marion County West Va
June 29, 1863
To Governor Boreman
Dear sir:
On last night a number of our citeasons left for the South & took some horses stealing them, they are assembling near Warren in this County, & are armed with new revolvers determined to fight there way through to the Southern army, we have no means of Resistance we have no arms they will strip our Country if allowed to persist in there course. We have got the men to Repell any such work if we had arms & equipments. My Regmts is organised into three Companeys of Militia one hundred & eight each and about 150 volunteer militia, the Report of which you will Receive from our adjt in a day or two. My Lieutenant Col is exempt from all military service & Capt Furby & Capt Shaw of volunteers is also exempt. Capt Wm Hall is yet commanding the volunteer Mt. Shall we consolidate the volunteer militia into Companeys as Mt. Gov Pierpoint said not but Tinfur from your department that they are to be consolidated also. We are fully organised all but these three Companeys they are in and attached to 176 Regmt. We are ready for service.

Yours obedient servant
Henry Nay Col.

P S Capt Hall proposes if consistent with your order to go immediately into service with his men to surpress this thieving and robing our Country, will you equip him and let him out he is the man for the times.

H. Nay

Note: This note is at the end of the above letter:
See within have we sent these men any guns, or have we sent any into the neighborhood? Say to Col. Nay that the volunteers are to be enrolled separately, but not consolidated into companies with the unarmed militia.

A. I. B.

To: Adjutant General Pierpoint
From: F. R. Sinclair
Date: 29 June 1863

Morgantown, W. V. June 29th /63
Adjt Gen'l Pierpoint
I have received the 350 guns with their accoutrements sent to me by Gov. Pierpoint and have signed and returned the receipts to Mr. Hornbrook. I wish to know what should be done with them; whether I shall distribute them among the men and take their receipts for them or whether I shall put them in some safe place and keep them until further orders from you. Some of the people are afraid to let them remain here unless they are distributed among these men. If we distribute them among the men the amunition will soon be gone and the guns in bad condition; therefore I shall await an answer from you, hoping to hear by return mail.

F. R. Sinclair Col
76th Regiment Va Militia

From: Reuben Finnell and Eugenious Shafer
Date: 30 June 1863

Monongalia County
We Reuben Finnell, E. Shafer, Ambrose Waters being the three officers of the highest grade present at an election of Lieutenant Colonel in the 140th Regiment and not candidates for promotion in that election but superintending the same do hereby certify that the votes of all the officers present being given viva voce a majority was found to be in favor of Robison Hare who was thereby duly elected Lieutenant Colonel of the said 140th Regmt to fill a vacancy occasioned by the resignation of David Hawkins the former Lieut Colonel; that the election was held on the 22nd day of June 1863 at Laurel Point pursuant to an order of Reuben Finnell Commandant of the Regiment; that a majority of the officers entitled to vote were present and the election was fairly and justly conducted.

Given under our hands this 30th day of June 1863

Reuben Finnell Colonel
Eugenious Shafer Major Captain

To: Francis P Peirpoint, Adgt. General West Virginia
From: F R Sinclair, Col. Of 76 Regiment W. Va. Militia
Date: 4 July 1863

Monongalia County Gvt?
I F R Sinclair Col. 76th Regiment of West Virginia Militia do hereby certify that on the 4th day of July 1863 at Ices Ferry in the County of Monongalia and notice having been duly given I did superintend the election of a Captain of Company A of the 76 Regiment where the votes of all the members present of said Company being given a majority was found to be in favour of George N Coombs who was thereby duly elected Capt. Of said Company the persons present were entitled to vote and the election was fairly and duly conducted. Given under my hand this 4th day of July 1863.

F R Sinclair Col. Of 76 Regiment W. Va. Militia

From: C. M. Oliphant
Date: 7 July 1863

West Warren Monongalia County Va July 7, 1863

I, C.M. Oliphant Col Command of the 178 Reg of West va Militia Do hereby certify that on the 6 day of July 1863 i superintended the election of a Lieutenant Col where the majority of the officers were present the vote being given viva voce a majority ws found to be in favor of Thomas Stweart who was there by Duly elected Lieutenant col of the said Regment to fill a vacancy occasioned by the removal of the former Lieutenant colonel to pennsylvania that a majority of the officers entitled to vote were present and that the election was fairly and justly conductted given under my hand this 7 day of July 1863. C.M. Oliphant Col Commanding

Per John G. Wildeman Maj

To: Adjt Gen'l Pierpoint
From: E. H. Coombs
Date: 10 July 1863

Morgantown, W. V. July 10th 1863
Adjt Gen'l Pierpoint
At the request of Col. F. R. Sinclair, of the 76th Regiment, I write to you concerning some commissions for which he sent certificates of the election of the officers the first was for Ashbell Fairchild for the office of Lieut. Col., the vacancy was caused by the resignation of Lieut. Col. A. H. Osborn he being a post master. The second was for George V. Coombs he having been elected to fill the vacancy occasioned by the exemption of Capt. John Bowers on account of physical disability. It has been some time since the certificates of the elections were sent to you and he has heard nothing of them. Will you please inform us why the commissions have not been forwarded.

E. H. Coombs
Morgantown, Monongalia Co., W. V.

To: L. Kramer
From: F. R. Sinclair
Date: 25 July 1863

Dear Sir,

The home guards of our County, said to consist of over 100 men over the age of 45 years organized at the court house today by Electing Col. Jas. Evans, Capt., Wm. Price Esq., 1st Lieutenant, Benj. McCurdy 2nd Lieutenant and as there was a question arrose as to whether the officers would be Commissioned or not, the Matter was referred to me to ascertain the fact and if necessary to report the Election to Adj't General and request him to Cause their Commissions to be sent ot them you will therefore ascertain the facts in the case and drop me a line. There is also another question that I would like to have solved. That is in the Consolidation of the Companies of my Regt. It so happened (Capt. Fairchild having been promoted to Lieutenant Col.) That there was no Capt. Left in the bounds of the Morgantown Company. Was it right for me to hold an election for that Company and elect a Capt. Or should or could one of the other Cap. in the bounds of my Regt of service that Company again in the Consolidation of the Vandevoort & Bowers Company. Bowers was exempted by the examining board and resigned leaving but one in that bounds Capt. Vandervort and he having drew a no service ticket was at right to hold an election in that District or not if so what will become of the Commissioned officers that is left without Commissions these being two Capt & about 4 lieutenants. Will they be reduced to the ranks or what Disposition will be made of them. I ask these questions before the Commissions is sent to the two newly Elected Capts in order that there may be no injustice done to the now Commissioned officers. You will also request governor Boreman that if there is a call for the Militia or any portion of them that he Designate by what mode I Shall divide by lot Draft or by Company as we have but about 800 guns all told in our County there will be a deficiency of about 200 guns to arm all the Militia of our County it would be more satisfactory if there is a call made if all was called than a part if you Could suply the ballance with guns. We need a Commission from the Governor on yesterday, to hold ourselves in rediness as Morgan Might pass through West Va. The people here this evening received news with delight to here that we had a Legislator & sennet that was not only willing but that had really taken up arms in defence of our beloved new state. May you long live to enjoy the blessings of Liberty and a Republican government. Would that I was Capable of expressing myself in Language worthy of your Notice for the high appreciation as representatives of a worthy People. Give my Respects to Mr. Bunker & Esq Lough.

Respectfully yours
F.R. Sinclair
PS pleas give my respects to Mrs. Kramer. F.R.S.

To: A.I.Boreman Gov
From: A.Garrison
Date: 12 October 1863

Mooresville West Va
October 12th 1863


By request I adress you a few lines asking you why Thomas D.Stewart was not Commisioned Lieutenant Colonel of the 178th Regiment of West Va Ma as he was Elected on the 6th of July 1863 The Col Said he sent on for the comition but none came as we have some doubts about our Superior doing his duty I take the liberty of asking these questions as I am anxious to have the Militia fully organised

By answering these questions you will oblige many of your friends. Direct to Mooresville Monongalia County WVa

Respect Yours A Garrison
Capt Co A of 178th Reg. WVa Ma

To: Governor of West Virginia
From: F. R. Sinclair
Date: 13 October 1863

Morgantown West Va
October 13, 1863

Governor I mustered my men Saturday Oct 10 and about 1 half of them wont take their guns and they wont Drill Run and I thought I would rite to you to get orders what to do. Send me orders rite away and I will make them step it up.

Col F. Sinclair
Col of the 76 Reg of Militia

To: J. B. Laugh
From: F. M. Arnett
Date: 16 November 1863

Arnetts Ville W.Va. Nov 16th 1863

Mr. J. B. Laugh
Dear Brother

I rec'd your Letter Some days A go I have failed to answer till the present This morning finds us all in good health but myself I am complaining Some with a bad cold we hope this letter will find you in Good health

Times are peasable here now with the Exception of A little stir taking the Guns from the Rebels in the County of Marion what a contrast between the two countys Marion county is taking the rifles and fire arms from the Rebel Citisens Monongalia is letting the Rebs keep all the arms they have & giving the Rebs arms State arms and ammunition

We was out on Scout Friday night hunting wild rebels but found none there was ten of us out all night Search and several houses But failed to find any game I think we was a night or two to late

Have you Seen the governor concerning Commitioning Capt. Daniel Glasscock for home guard purposes our boys all seem very ancious

We would feel free to act if we had Commitions we could have a nice company we met to drill Satterday But it Rained to hard we met at the Laurel Point on the 28th at the Election the friends are all well

I have not seen Mr. Linch about the nails you need not send them till we rite

We are very much Rejoiced over the Late victories achieved by Mead and Averil

We hope the ball will keep roling in our cause which is the best of Causes Rite soon your friend

F.M. Arnett

If you get commitions for county purposes our organization Consists of Captain Daniel Glasscock F M Arnett first Lieut I S Goold Second Lieut

140th Regt Arnettsville Monongalia Co.

To: Governor Boreman
From: Major Wiedeman
Date: 30 November 1863

Wadestown Post Office
Battell Township
Nov 30 1863

Governor Boreman

Sir I am informed that our lieutenant colonel has not bin comimision yet But I am informed that Mr. Steward is going to move out of the county this spring as he has bought a farm in wetsel county and Col C. M. Oliphant has also moved out of the county now honorable Governor if you have any Militia law under our new state will you be so kind as to send me one and the constitution also sir I herd that there was a new construction or the Militia law remodlled as some calls it honorable sir if this should be the case please send it to me with respect I still remain your most obiedient servent

John G. Wiedeman
Major Commanding the 178 Reg

Monongalia County Transcriptions

West Virginia Archives and History