In the absence of Chairman Nathan Randolph, Vice Chair Darlene Hassler called the meeting to order at 1:07 p.m. In addition to Chairman Hassler, other voting members present were Tommy Bailey, Dr. Melissa Bingmann, Thomas Bloch II, Tracy Burch, Laura Carroll, Nat DeBruin, Dan Gatts, Audy Perry, and Dr. Robert Conte. Ex officio non-voting members present were Aaron Parsons, acting director, Archives and History Section; Charles Morris, director, Museums Section; Susan Pierce, director, Historic Preservation Section; Hanna Law, West Virginia Geological and Economic Survey; and J. Logan Smith, president of Preservation Alliance of West Virginia. Also present were Deputy Commissioner Andrea Thompson, Executive Assistant to the Commissioner Dalton Burch, and Historic Preservation staff member Cody Straley. The arrival of Randall Reid-Smith, curator of the Department of Arts, Culture and History, was delayed due to prior commitments.
Chairman Hassler asked for a motion on the Fall meeting minutes of October 8, 2021. A motion to approve the minutes was made by Ms. Carroll with a second by Mr. Bailey. Motion carried.
Chairman Hassler then asked for approval of the agenda. Mr. Perry made a motion to approve the agenda, and Dr. Conte provided a second. Motion carried.
Chairman Hassler called upon the commission members to consider the appointment of Aaron Parsons as the new director of the Archives and History Section of the Department of Arts, Culture and History. Mr. Bailey made a motion that the Archives and History Commission members consent to the appointment of Mr. Parsons to that position as made by Curator Randall Reid-Smith. A second was provided by Ms. Burch. Motion carried.
Chairman Hassler called upon Mr. Parsons for the Archives and History report. Mr. Parsons provided Archives and History monthly reports for September through December 2021 (copies attached to official minutes) and reviewed section activities, including the addition of one new employee, the processing of new collections, ordering of new highway historical markers, development of educational videos, and other educational outreach endeavors. Staff also prepared for data to be moved from shared drives to Google Drive, and updated website links after the launching of the Department of Arts, Culture and History's new webpage in September 2021.
Chairman Hassler then called upon Ms. Pierce for the Historic Preservation report. Ms. Pierce provided a written report to members (copy attached to official minutes) and reviewed section activities, including the submission of the End of Year Report for FY 2019 and the End of Year Report for FY 2020, both of which the National Park Service had granted additional time for completion due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The End of Year Report for FY 2021 was also submitted to the National Park Service. Ms. Pierce noted the completion of the Historic Revitalization (Paul Bruhn) grant program and that the National Park Service has a Partial Apportionment Award from the Historic Preservation fund for FY 2022. Staff has completed the funding application and submitted it electronically to the National Park Service. Staff also completed work on the 2022 calendar on inns and hotels.
Chairman Hassler then called upon Mr. Morris for the Museums report. Mr. Morris provided a written report to members (copy attached to official minutes) and reviewed section activities, including re-coding and updating of touch screen data in the Museum Connection Rooms, educational endeavors such as creating lesson plans, recent exhibitions, and upcoming events.
Chairman Hassler then called upon Mr. Smith for the Preservation Alliance of West Virginia report. Mr. Smith reviewed the organization's activities, including the AmeriCorps program, the Saving Historic Places grants program, the Preservation Trades program, efforts to advance historic tax credit legislation, and work on the endangered properties list. Mr. Smith noted that the 2022 West Virginia Historic Preservation Alliance Awards banquet will be held on July 23, 2022, at the J. Q. Dickinson Salt Works in Malden.
Chairman Hassler then called upon Curator Reid-Smith for the Department of Arts, Culture and History report. The curator stated that additional space is being allocated within the Culture Center for Archives section collections and reviewed financing for the Holly Grove project, building maintenance projects, upcoming History Bowl competitions, and Ambassadors Camp. The Curator noted the resignation of commission member Dr. Charles Ledbetter and that the Library Commission would now become the Library Section of the Department of Arts, Culture and History.
Chairman Hassler then called upon Ms. Law for the West Virginia Geological and Economic Survey report. Ms. Law noted an increase in donation of core samples, the reception of new grants, development of new digital content, and upcoming projects to honor the 125th anniversary of the creation of the West Virginia Geological and Economic Survey. Ms. Law stated that there has been a recent addition to the administrative staff.
Turning to New Business, Chairman Hassler called for the presentation of the National Register nominations.
Buxton and Landstreet Company Store, Tucker County, nominated under Criterion A, Commerce, and Criterion C, Architecture, with a period of significance of 1900-1950, was presented by Courtney Zimmerman. Following the presentation, Dr. Conte moved for approval of the nomination, and Mr. Perry provided the second. Motion carried.
Terra Alta First United Methodist Church, Preston County, nominated under Criterion C, Architecture, and Criteria Consideration A, Religious Properties, with a period of significance of 1900-1904 and 1956-1957, was presented by Jennifer Thornton. Following the presentation, Mr. Perry moved for approval of the nomination, and Ms. Burch provided the second. Motion carried.
New Deal Resources in Morgantown (Multiple Property Document-cover document) was presented by Michael Gioulis. Ms. Pierce explained that the commission was to vote on the cover document before voting on the individual nominations. Dr. Conte moved for approval of the MPD-cover document, and Mr. DeBruin provided the second. Motion carried.
Decker Creek Wall, Monongalia County, nominated under Criterion A, Social History, and Criterion C, Engineering, with a period of significance of 1933-1943, was presented by Michael Gioulis. Following the presentation, Dr. Conte moved for approval of the nomination, and Mr. Gatts provided the second. Motion carried.
Eighth Street Retaining Walls, Monongalia County, nominated under Criterion A, Social History, and Criterion C, Engineering, with a period of significance of 1934-1937, was presented by Michael Gioulis. Following the presentation, Ms. Carroll moved for approval of the nomination, and Mr. Bailey provided the second. Motion carried.
Richwood Wall, Monongalia County, nominated under Criterion A, Social History, and Criterion C, Engineering, with a period of significance of 1936-1937, was presented by Michael Gioulis. Following the presentation, Mr. Perry moved for approval of the nomination, and Dr. Bingmann provided the second. Motion carried.
West Virginia Schools for Deaf and Blind Dairy Barn, Hampshire County, nominated under Criterion A, Education and Agriculture, and Criterion C, Architecture, with a period of significance of 1930-1951, was presented by Paula McClain. Following the presentation, Mr. Perry moved for approval of the nomination, and Ms. Burch provided the second. Motion carried.
Wheeling Warehouse Historic District Boundary Increase, Ohio County, nominated under Criterion A, Transportation, Industry, and Commerce, and Criterion C, Architecture, with a period of significance of 1852-1952, was presented by Debbie Griffin. Following the presentation, Dr. Conte moved for approval of the nomination, and Mr. Bloch provided the second. Motion carried.
Chairman Hassler then called on Ms. Pierce for the 2022 Survey and Planning Grants. Ms. Pierce called on Christy Moore to summarize the applications and proposed grant awards. Ms. Burch made a motion to approve the recommendations for the FY2022 Survey and Planning Grants with the provision authorizing staff to move funds from cancelled projects or projects unable to use all available funding to projects which did not receive full funding and can expend additional funds prior to the end of the grant period, or to the most deserving projects which were not funded at the discretion of SHPO staff, with any remaining funds to carry over to the next fiscal year. Mr. DeBruin provided the second. Motion carried.
Chairman Hassler announced the appointment of Ms. Carroll and Dr. Bingmann to serve as a committee to nominate a chair and vice-chair at the Spring meeting. Mr. Perry made a motion to approve. Mr. Bailey provided the second. Motion carried.
Chairman Hassler then called on Ms. Pierce for a report on National Register nominations previously reviewed by the Archives and History Commission. Ms. Pierce called on Mr. Straley, who noted additional documentation was added to the Graham-Davis Historic District, and that Hilltop Cemetery, Dry Pond School in Monroe County, and the First Congregational Church of Ceredo had been added to the National Register. Five Corners Historic District nomination was returned to SHPO staff. New nominations currently under development include the New Salem Baptist Church in Tams, Moorefield Historic District, Virginia Apartments in Wheeling, and Hunter Cemetery in Beckley.
Chairman Hassler noted that the Spring meeting will be held on June 10 at 9:30 a.m. at Cacapon Resort State Park. The Fall meeting will be held on September 30 in Elkins.
Dr. Bingmann asked members of the commission to take a moment to recognize Joe Geiger, former director of Archives and History section, and his many years of commitment to the preservation of our state's history. Mr. Geiger retired from the Department of Arts, Culture and History on February 1, 2022.
Mr. Perry made a motion to adjourn, and Chairman Hassler declared the meeting adjourned at 3:21 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Aaron Parsons