
West Virginia Archives and History

Form #3

Conditions For the Use of Photographic Copies
West Virginia Archives and History

1. Permission is granted for the use of photograph(s) from the West Virginia State Archives (WVSA) for a non-exclusive, one time, one edition, one language use only. Photographs may not be altered without permission of the WVSA. To make any additional use of the photograph(s) in another format requires the written permission of the WVSA and may be subject to additional fees. Further use of the photograph(s) must be applied for in writing prior to re-publication, re-broadcast, or re-exhibition.

2. Credit must be given as follows: "West Virginia State Archives." When a specific collection name is provided by the WVSA, that name must also appear in the credit line. In printed materials, the credit line will appear on the same or facing page as the photograph(s) or be included within the credit section. In all other formats, the credit line will be included on the film within the credit section. With exhibitions, including those in digital format, the credit line will be displayed within the exhibit area. Exceptions must be requested in advance.

3. A complimentary copy of any published work, videotape, or other final production format must be provided to the WVSA.

4. Copyrighted material will not be copied without the written permission of the copyright holder. Applicants assume all responsibility for questions of copyright and invasion of privacy that may possibly arise in the reproduction and in the use they make of the images reproduced.

5. Others must not be permitted to reproduce the photographic copy or any facsimile of it.

6. Photograph(s) shall not be donated to other archival institutions without the written permission of the WVSA.

7. The WVSA reserves the right to limit the number of photographic copies; to restrict the use or reproduction of rare or valuable material; to make special quotations on material involving unusual difficulty in copying; and to charge a higher copying fee than specified.

8. The applicant must accept all charges in advance and payment may be required before rights will be granted to use any photograph(s).

9. Any exceptions or additions to the above conditions must appear on, and be considered part of, this agreement.

10. Failure to comply with the above conditions may result in prosecution and/or restricted use of the WVSA collections.

Services and Fee Guidelines

West Virginia Archives and History