![]() Charleston: 1915, p. 135 When Mr. Kump’s name was called that gentleman in explaining his vote, said: MR. PRESIDENT: My position upon the submission of this amendment is well known to many senators. I have never felt that I should withhold the submission of any amendment from the people of this state when a proper demand is made for such submission. In my section of the state some of the citizens are for submission, many are opposed to it, but the Democratic convention, held in Parkersburg last summer, declared for submission, and I have always been a Democrat. It matters not what my private opinion may be on this proposition, my action today only refers this matter to those people who commissioned me to occupy a seat in this distinguished body. No man can foretell the far-reaching effect of this step to amend the organic law of the state. Greece, Rome and Britain have each determined this question in the negative without injury to their civilization and advancement. It has been beautifully said that man is fashioned out of the dust of the earth, while woman was created in God’s own image; it is our pride in this land that woman’s honor is her own best defense; that her female virtue is not measured by the vigilance of a duenna, that here a good woman may walk throughout the length and breath of this land unmolested, clothes in the invulnerable panoply of her own woman’s virtue, and even in places where crime lurks and vice prevails, owing to the noble efforts of our women and the influence of their example, girls grow up who are good daughters, loyal wives and faithful mothers. Some seem to rise from rude surroundings as grow the flowers that lift their faces to the sun. But, Mr. President, woman is after all a mystery, the great conundrum of the twentieth century, and if we cannot in this chamber solve this question, we can safely leave it to the wisdom, chivalry and manhood of West Virginia, I vote “aye.” |