Fayette Tribune
Medals For Coal Miners
One Company In Logan County Decorates Men Who Are Serving Country by Producing
October 3, 1918
Medals for industrial soldiers are being given in the Logan field, and A. C. Clapperton, general superintendent of the Amherst Coal Co. and Amherstville wears one, and says 416 mine workers connected with that company have a similar decoration. The medals are given to men doing their full share of work getting out coal every day in a month. A bronze bar indicates the first month of this arrangement, a silver bar the second month, a bronze bar the third month, another silver bar the fourth, and so on.
Only four men in the employ of that company put in less than 36 hours a week during the first month of this arrangement. The car supply was good, which provided opportunity for this splendid showing.
There is a system at those mines by which coal is stored when cars are not available, and sometimes the stock pile contains as much as 8,000 or 10,000 tons. Such coal is loaded by a Brown steam hoist, and the fact that coal is dumped over a rock ledge permits loading with a two yards' grab bucket, facilitates the work. A railroad car has been loaded in so short a time as 22 minutes.
The daily check is kept on mine workers, and a sheet is posted, showing the number of hours worked.