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West Virginia State Archives

Newspapers on Microfilm

Note: An attempt has been made to identify notable gaps in issues, but inclusive date ranges do not necessarily indicate that there are no missing issues within those ranges.


The Webster Echo
Addison/Webster Springs
January 3-November 20, 1896; January 7 and 14, 1898; February 11, 1898-December 27, 1912; January 19, 1917-December 28, 1922; August 18, 1927-April 3, 1929; June 7, 1944-October 7, 1953; February 21, 1962-November 27, 1963; November 1, 1967-December 27, 2012; January 8, 2014-present
Webster Republican
Webster Springs
March 26, 1909-December 25, 1919; January 5, 1934-December 27, 1989; January 5, 2005-December 31, 2008; January 5, 2011-December 29, 2016
Note: Because The Webster Echo and the Webster Republican were identical papers except for the editorial page, Archives and History did not film the Republican in its entirety between 1990 and 2004. Instead, between 1998 and 2004, the editorial page was placed after each issue of the Echo. For 1990-1997, a separate roll of the editorial page is in the microfilm drawer.
Webster Springs Call (Misc. Reels M-15)
October 11, 1889

Newspapers on Microfilm