
Timeline of West Virginia: Civil War and Statehood
September 1, 1862

Point Pleasant Register
September 4, 1862


At a meeting held at the Court House on Monday, September 1st, 1862, the following preamble and resolutions were read and unanimously adopted:

Whereas, Under the recent [illegible] for additional troops for suppressing [illegible] rebellion, the loyal citizens of West Virginia have rallied with patrioti---(?) to to the flag of their county, [illegible] to perpetuate the Union or die [illegible]defence[sic], and have show a zeal in behalf of the Government, that merits consideration, and whereas it is the desire of the 13th Regiment of Virginia, new recruiting at Point Pleasant, to be led by Virginians. therefore

Resolved, 1. That the field officers of the Thirteenth Regiment should not be appointed from other states, but should be conferred on citizens of Virginia, and that the wishes of the said regiment in this respect should be respected.

2. That the first resolution is not intended to disparage or reflect upon, citizens of other States, but to encourage our own.

3. That we do hereby censure and denounce all undue influences brought to bear upon the appointing power, for the appointment of all such officers, whether by citizens of this or other States, and that in all appointments, the object should be, to select those most competent irrespective of favoritism.

4. That a copy of the foregoing preamble and resolutions be forwarded to Governor Pierpoint, and that they be published in the Point Pleasant Weekly Register, and other loyal papers in Virginia.

On motion the meeting adjourned.

George W. Pullins, Sec'y.

Timeline of West Virginia: Civil War and Statehood: September 1862

West Virginia Archives and History