New State Meeting.
Editors Intelligencer:
Pursuant to previous appointment, a meeting of the citizens of Brooke county was held at Franklin School House on Friday evening, the 13th inst., for the purpose of discussing matters relative to the new State. The meeting was organized by calling Farris Hervey, Esq., to the chair and appointing Joseph Gist, Esq., Secretary.
James Hervey, late delegate to the Constitutional Convention, on being called on, responded in a speech of some length, detailing his experience in the Convention, and showing the fallacy of the arguments produced by the opponents of the new State. C. F. Scott, next addressed the meeting, making some happy allusions to the advantages that would accrue to the new State in the event of its separation from the Eastern portion of the State. After Mr. Scott had concluded, J. A. Shearer was called on who addressed the meeting, depicting the oppression and despotism of Eastern Virginia on the people of West Virginia, and showing the necessity of the abolishment of slavery in accordance with the provisions of the act of Congress. Joseph Gist Esq., then made a few remarks, after which the following resolutions were adopted:
Resolved, 1st, That we will give our cordial support to the formation of the new State of West Virginia, and will to the utmost extent of our ability urge the adoption of its constitution, laying aside all former party prejudices.
2d. That our feelings earnestly respond to the voice of our soldiers on the field, as expressed in the resolutions which they unanimously adopted in the camp on the 22d February, and that our appreciation of their patriotism and loyalty shall be demonstrated by our earnest endeavors to erect for them and ourselves a free and independent State.
3d. That we have full confidence in the government of the United States in its ability to crush the present rebellion, and will therefore give it our hearty and undivided support.
4th. That a copy of these resolution be sent to the Wellsburg Herald and Wheeling Intelligencer for publication.
Farris Hervey, Prest.
Joseph Gist, Sec'y.
Timeline of West Virginia: Civil War and Statehood: March 1863