
Timeline of West Virginia: Civil War and Statehood
August 29, 1863

Wheeling Intelligencer
August 31, 1863

Resolutions of Respect.

At a meeting of the officers of the Pay Department in the district of West Virginia, assembled on Saturday morning, August 29th, for the purpose of making arrangements for attending the funeral of Major Isaac M. Pumphrey late Ass't Paymaster U. S. A.

Lieut. Col. Hiram Leonard, Deputy Paymaster General U. S. A., took the chair, and Major J. W. Beazel, Ad'l Pay master, was requested to act as Secretary.

Majors B. R. Cowen, John Allison and S. A. Safford were appointed a committee to report resolutions expressive of their regard for the late Major Pumphrey as an officer and an associate, and their sympathy with his bereaved family. The following resolutions were reported and unanimously adopted, viz:

Whereas, In the inscrutable decree of an All-wise Providence, our late associate and brother officer, Major I. M. Pumphrey, is no more, therefore as expressive of the sense of the Pay Department of the Pay District of West Virginia,

Resolved, That in the death of Major Pumphrey, the Government has lost an industrious and efficient officer; we have lost a true and tried associate and friend; this community has lost a prominent and influential citizen, and his bereaved family has suffered the irreparable loss of an affectionate and indulgent husband and parent.

That we tender to the afflicted family our warmest sympathies in this the hour of their sad bereavement.

That Lieut. Col. Hiram Leonard, Deputy Paymaster General, be requested to present a copy of these resolutions to the family of the deceased; and that the officers of this Department attend the funeral of the deceased in a body, and wear the usual badge of mourning for thirty days.

H. Leonard,
Dep'ty Paymaster Gen'l, U. S. A., Pres.,

J. W. Beazell, Ad'l Paymaster, U. S. A., Sec'y.

Timeline of West Virginia: Civil War and Statehood: August 1863

West Virginia Archives and History