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Veterans Memorial

James Fields Mayenschein
Silver Star

The President of the United States Takes Pride In Presenting The Silver Star Medal Posthumously to First Lieutenant James F. Mayenschein, United States Marine Corps

For service as set forth in the following citation:

"For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity as Executive Officer of Company B, First Battalion, Twenty-Seventh Marines, Fifth Marine Division, in action against the enemy Japanese forces on Iwo Jima, Volcano Islands, 28th February 1945. When his two forward platoons were suddenly stopped by an unprecedented barrage of hostile artillery, mortar and machine gunfire, which caused so many casualties that a gap appeared in the lines, First Lieutenant Mayenschein gallantly moved forward to the stricken platoons with expert tactility ability, proceeded to effect a reorganization and outlined to his subordinates the course of a orderly withdrawal. Directing the withdrawal and the evacuation of the wounded, he assisted wherever possible with first aid and the removal of the wounded to safety in spite of withering fire, persisting in his hazardous mission until fatally wounded by enemy shrapnel. His inspiring leadership and courageous initiative reflect the highest credit upon First Lieutenant Mayenschein and the United States Naval Service. He gave his Life for his country."

For the President,
John L. Sullivan
Secretary of the Navy

Biography of James Fields Mayenschein

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